Absolut - Born To Mix
All Around Events after delivering a great campaign last year for Absolut Vodka we have been asked this year to do it all over again. Will be running the absolut vodka BornToMix campaign across the UK from Edinburgh to Brighton.
#BornToMix We have brought together Tayce, Chet Lo and The Institute Of Digital Fashion to serve up their first ever collaboration for Absolut. The trio prove they are #BornToMix, as they launch ‘Second Skin Couture’ – a self-expressive style we’ll all be wearing.
This is the first of our #BornToMix creative collaborations, celebrating the power of mixing it up - in drinks, in ideas and in life, all to create a better tomorrow. We are challenging the existing stereotypes and perceptions of fashion, providing a vision of the future – a world where what you wear isn’t tied to the binds of gender, seasonal trends, religious expression, or function.
Liverpool 23/24 July Edinburgh 30/31 July Cardiff 6/7 August Brighton 13/14 August Manchester 20/21 August

For more info: weare@allaroundevents.net
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